Friday, March 20, 2009

In the beginning...there was.....a new explanation

So, before eyebrows are raised, yes this is a new blog. I did have another one with around 3 entries, but after converting to Gmail, it makes everything more steamline for all of my net useage, including blogging.

Thus, for those of you who are finding this, or my LJ friends who I have directed here, here is what I am about:

-I am 23 year old grad student in the field of criminal justice writing my thesis on campus policing in Illinois

-I am a left leaning individual, while I will not really discuss politics, I apologize if I do and my bias comes through.

-Though when I do comment on criminal justice issues, they will be from the position of me as a student of the academic field, not my liberal side.

-This will be my personal and observational blog. It will have remarks and thoughts, photos of me and my friends, and other such things. My weight loss and personal fitness blog is on Livejournal, if you want the info let me know.

I will do my best to also toss in what I am currently listening to, and if you want to share some music if you have the same taste or want to branch out, that's fine too.

So, this was number one and the intro, hopefully tomorrow will have some fun and interesting things to go one.

Oh, please comment and show some love :)

-Undergrad commencement, I cant wait till I get my graduate hood!


  1. Actually going to keep this one up? :-P

  2. Hey you I have blogspot too but I rarely use it. Maybe I will now that I have a friend on it! I'm still not sure how to friend someone on it anyway. LJ was easier for my dumbass.

  3. Showing some comment love!
    If you might want to share what you're listening to, allow me to introduce you to slacker radio if I haven't already. It's wonderful! :-) The reason that sometimes I get disapproving looks when I'm dancing around a little with headphones on in my cubicle.
